About Us - Paper Lime Creative

Juice up your brand!


Graphic Designer & Branding Specialist, Founder

Katie Dooley

“The Key Lime”

Katie Dooley is the Founder of Paper Lime Creative, an Edmonton-based design, branding, and public relations agency. As the lead graphic designer and branding specialist, her skills embody bold creativity and collaboration—the pillars of the Paper Lime Process. For Katie, it’s not enough to hand over a branding package; she takes the time to educate clients on how to effectively use and leverage their branding assets. Her participatory process and helpful expertise are what keep clients coming back for all their design and PR needs.

Marketing Intern

Madi Verstoep


Madi is a vibrant part of the Paper Lime Creative team as the marketing intern. She is a third-year marketing student completing her Bachelor of Business Administration at Mount Royal University. Her keen mind for market research and providing key insights makes her an asset in developing creative strategies to help our clients stand out from their competition.



Been Simpson


Been is a Virtual Assistant with a varied repertoire of skills, knowledge, and experience that make her an essential part of the Paper Lime Creative team. She assists with a wide range of administrative tasks, enabling our creative marketers to focus on creating and strategizing for our clients. Been loves learning, developing a variety of skills, and the simple process of discovering something new. Her appetite for knowledge makes her a valued resource in all things business-related and beyond.

As Featured On

Hollywood Branded

Sage Thought Leadership

Business Coaching for Creatives

Small Business Big Deal

Social Capital

Creative Chats