What are the elements of a book cover?
Book covers captivate a reader’s attention when they’re browsing for a book. It’s almost seen as a marketing tool to get readers interested.
The first thing most people notice is the title. In most cases, this will be the largest font size on the book and the spine. It should be easy to read and remember. The more simple it is, the more customers will be willing to read it.
Above or below it is a subheading of the book’s tagline or subtitle. A tagline is an enticing way to compel the reader to read or buy the book. A subtitle is a detailed and short information about the book based on the title.
A cover image will complement the title or the subject of your story. Covers have to fit the market you’re selling or appealing to. It has to communicate the genre and tone of the story.
There are also elements to consider on the spine and back of the book.
An author’s bio and book reviews from magazines and other authors are usually on the back. An author’s bio is about three sentences explaining who you are as a writer. It will also include some personal facts, links to a website, and a photo. Reviews are another great addition to the back of the book as it creates credibility immediately.

Visual cues that make a book sell
A book cover gives the reader a hint of what the book is about and what they can expect when reading it. The aesthetic and cohesive design will help guide your audience.
Cover images can be stock photos, drawings, personal pictures, or simple coloured backgrounds. It’s meant to provide insight into a theme, character or setting, which can be literal or abstract. Icons and other small illustrations add playfulness and insert information for the reader.
The typography of the title and the cover image must reflect the book’s theme or meaning. Let’s say an author writes a book about their journey of visiting unique bodies of water on Earth. The typography could be a blue and wavy font, with some glitter or shimmer accents to mimic an ocean or lake. They could also use a photo taken on the trip as the cover image.
How books get designed
The genre of the book will affect the layout. Consider your target audience since certain styles or colours fit certain themes. Visual cues will also support the creation of a layout.

Typography and images are both important in determining the layout of the cover. The creation of a layout design can be very versatile with book covers. A great graphic designer will know which one suits your book best. Cover meetings are a great way to touch base with a designer, if you’re using one, to make sure your vision is coming to life.
Why you should seek feedback on your book design
Receiving unbiased opinions can help you determine what to change. Honest feedback will provide different viewpoints.
If there’s one piece of feedback consistently given, you should give it the most attention. Chances are, potential readers will also share the same views, which might affect book sales. Ask your target audience for feedback as they are the ones you want to buy your book.
Need a graphic designer for your book?
Graphic design is essential to create a captivating book cover for audiences. Give Paper Lime Creatives a call today, we design in Edmonton! We can make your book cover visions come true!