Podcast Placements & Why They're Awesome - Paper Lime Creative
Podcast Placements & Why They’re Awesome
Write By: Katie Dooley

Do you love listening to podcasts? If you said yes, you’re one of the 7.7 million people that listen to podcasts WEEKLY. You can learn pretty much anything from a podcast, or you can listen to a great story, current events, and more. There is literally something for everyone, which is why podcasts can be a great tool in your public relations and brand strategy. 

What are podcast placements?

Getting placed on a podcast means that you are being featured as an expert guest. You do not need to set up your own podcast, or do any audio editing or distribution. This is a great option if you’ve always liked the idea of doing a podcast… without having to do all the back-end work that comes with hosting one.

We pick podcasts to pitch for our clients based on their ideal customer. We figure out what your clients are listening to and figure out a specific pitching strategy to get you in front of the right audiences. 

Why are podcast placements amazing?

Podcast placements are an easy way to get your feet wet with public relations. There are over 2 million podcasts, so nearly an endless amount of places to pitch you. Once you are on some small podcasts, we can pitch you to bigger and bigger podcasts with higher global listenerships. 

Published podcasts do 4 things for you:

  1. You get to audience-share with the host. However many listeners they have, are now listening to you!
  2. You get high-quality backlinks for SEO. Google will check for high quality backlinks to your website, and ignore low quality ones. Have your website listed on a reputable podcast is definitely a high-quality back link
  3. Give you great social media content! You get to share with all of your followers that you were on a podcast! If you are a guest on podcasts regularly, this can provide content and help you gain followers
  4. Last, and most importantly, credibility! Being a guest on podcasts shows that you are an expert in your field. It shows the people in your sphere that others are coming to you as the authority on your area of expertise. 

Public relations is a very underutilized method of bringing recognition to your business, especially in Canada. Podcast pitching is a wonderful entry-level way to start your public relations journey and start building credibility with high quality placements. They are a great way to practice as you work your way up to more prominent publicity opportunities.

Want to find out more? Be sure to contact us!