If you are ever presented with the opportunity to go skydiving… take it!
Skydiving was always on my bucket list as a “someday” thing and while there are plenty of jump zones around Edmonton, it’s a pretty easy thing to ignore. Unless you’re really into jumping out of planes, of course.
Anyway, I jumped at (pun intended) the opportunity to be a part of the inaugural year of Edmonton’s Know Tribe. One of my Know Sisters, the amazing Sandy Weatherall from Jinsei Media, is an avid skydiver.
How did we end up here?
Sandy thought it would be a great idea to have a Know Tribe skydiving event and the rest is history. When opportunity comes knocking you need to be ready to answer. Skydiving was always something I wanted to try and now someone was asking me to sign up for it — so I did.
I was honestly chill about it all right up until I got on the plane! I slept great the night before, I wasn’t even nervous watching people land at the drop zone — they were all landing safely!
If you’ve been skydiving before, the consensus for the “oh shit” moment is when the airplane door opens. You’ve never been on an airplane with the door open before! It’s so loud.
I left the plane second, and let me tell you, I wish I had gone first! There is nothing scarier than watching your friend disappear beneath the clouds and knowing you’re next!
Thank goodness for the lovely team at Skydive Eden North. They must put up with all levels of fear and ridiculousness. But I would not have left that plane if I was not firmly attached to someone who threw me out the door along with him.

Skydiving and Business
Afterwards, my friends were asking me “Was it scary? Was it fun?” and my answer is yes, it’s definitely both! But more than fear or fun, it was the most empowering experience I’ve ever had. If you can jump (fall, toss, whatever) out of a plane, you can do ANYTHING. It was also a remarkable bonding experience with the other Know Tribe women.
I joked afterwards that if I could jump out of a plane once a year I would be a lot better at business. The lesson from skydiving is how important it is to move past fear and keep going.
Achieving your goals is on the other side of what scares you, and the journey is going to be more exhilarating than scary — I promise.