Making Benefits Appealing to Business Owners
Infinite Benefits was an interesting client for us to take on. They provide Health & Wellness Spending Accounts to businesses. While we’ve done some work in the financial industry, Health Spending Accounts and Wellness Spending Accounts were new for us.
It was important to us with the Infinite Benefits brand that we didn’t default to an infinity symbol. This solution is far too obvious and has been overdone. Instead, we wanted to find something that represented infinity and would speak to their target market.
The business partners for Infinite Benefits are Latter-Day Saints Christian. While we don’t do religious branding, we understood that their values were important to them. We were able to incorporate them into the brand in other ways, without being overtly religious.
This is the benefit of having a professional graphic designer! We were able to add personal meaning to this brand while still having it neutral and approachable for a broader market.
Brand Identity Objectives

Too many business owners, paying for benefits for staff can feel like an extra expense. We wanted to create a custom logo and brand that would show business owners that benefits are a business tool they can use. This was the foundation of the Infinite Benefits brand.
The Infinite Benefits team is no-nonsense. At the end of the day, they want to save business owners money. Benefits are a tax write-off for business owners, but then they also save money by reducing employee turnover.
Creating a long-term (dare we say, Infinite) brand strategy for Infinite Benefits was necessary to help them stand out from their larger competitors. The brand also needed to work on a variety of marketing materials including onboarding forms, business cards and brochures.
Target Audience
The target market for Infinite Benefits is middle-aged male business owners in Edmonton and the surrounding area. These men are running profitable businesses and are looking for a way to save money come tax time. While saving money is a priority, it is also important to these business owners to keep employees happy and retention high.
These business owners value knowledge and are happy to outsource things they are too busy for. This practice ultimately saves them time and money.
Because their target audience values time and money savings, this makes creating a quality logo even more important. The business owners that Infinite Benefits wants to work with are looking to work with high-quality professionals like themselves.
Design Solution & Company Logo
How did we fit their beliefs into their brand? In Latter-Day Saint doctrine, the celestial kingdom is where those who have been devout go after death to spend eternity. The celestial kingdom is often represented by the sun, which was the inspiration for the icon.
The execution of the brand was important. It needed to look like a sleek tool for busy business owners. A dark navy color font was chosen because blue represents trust and professionalism.

It is intentional that everything is in lowercase. This is a common feature of many tech company brands from where we drew inspiration. We chose a sans serif typeface to keep the design modern.
The main logo idea of the sun had to look professional. Many online logo makers have cartoony sun options that just wouldn’t fit the professional look that this brand needed. We used three warm tones to create a sun effect without it looking childish or like a gold star.
Orange represents enthusiasm and excitement. Yellow represents happiness and energy. While Infinite Benefits is predominantly meant to help business owners save money on taxes, we want the families using the benefits to feel excited and taken care of.
In collateral branding pieces, it was also important that family values shone through. Choosing the right photography allowed us to create professional marketing materials that demonstrated the family values that matter to the Infinite Benefits team.
Looking for a Brand That Will Last an Eternity?
Ready to create a logo that will last forever? Our high-quality logos are meant to last your business years because they are based on your target audience. Book a consultation call today for a custom logo design that converts!