Our Company Values - Paper Lime Creative
Our Company Values
Write By: Katie Dooley

We’re a pretty small operation, while we have our company values, we don’t get the opportunity to show them off all that often. Now is our chance! We have put a lot of thought into them and what every customer experience is like.

collaboration is key in our company values


Collaboration – Do It Together

Collaboration is one of our biggest differentiators at Paper Lime Creative. We work with our clients and include them in every step of the process so that they feel like their fingerprints are on their designs. When the process is done, they own their branding and feel confident showing it off to the world. They can explain it, understand it and use it to represent and guide their business. 

Collaboration gets a better project in the end. It’s not the client dictating what they want, it’s not us forcing our aesthetic on the client. It takes great listening skills, doing the right thing, and thinking outside of the box. Focusing on collaboration has also led us to develop our unique process for client discovery and development.


Education – Students & Teachers

Education on all sides of the spectrum is paramount. That includes keeping ourselves educated as well as educating our clients and the broader community on graphic design, branding and best practices. If we can help someone make a more informed decision for their business (whether they’ve used us for branding or not) we’ve done our jobs.

Staying educated is an ongoing job. Graphic design is constantly changing. We love reading, checking out design conferences and seeing what our peers are doing to keep on top of everything. We have an open-door policy for questions. Ask us anything, anytime and we will do our best to help you.


Passion – Let’s Celebrate

We didn’t get into this business to hate our jobs every day. Coming in passionate and excited every day is crucial and it makes everything more fun! We take pride in having a fun process and being down-to-earth with our clients. If we’re excited, you will be too. 

Having fun on the job includes puppy wiggles, spontaneous poutine runs and lots and lots of bad singing. 


Integrity – Raise the Bar

This is one company value we take very seriously. We look at integrity as doing what’s best for our clients, fixing things that aren’t our fault and owning our actions. This requires humility, accountability and leaving any egos at the door. Why is this so important? Because with trust and understanding you can create some pretty spectacular things. It’s important that our clients know we always want them to succeed and we want to be the creative force that leads them to success. 

There are no mistakes, only learning opportunities and we always welcome client feedback.


Want to see our Company Values in action?

Book a consultation call to see how our unique approach to business and branding can get you the branding results you’ve been looking for!